Category: Blog Posts

The Beauty of the Reverse-Band Back Squat, Part Three: Implementation

Author’s note: In the first and second articles of this series, I discussed the rationale for why the reverse-band back squat might be safer and more effective for strength and power purposes than conventional back squats. I’ve included a brief summary of the two articles below before I delve into the new material, but you can read the articles in their… Read more →

An Introduction to the Postural Restoration Institute, Part 2: Biochemical & Physiological Responses to Neurological States

Author’s Note: This is the second installment in an ongoing series meant to introduce the Postural Restoration Institute and the concepts that it teaches, as well as how to integrate them into training and rehab. If you missed the first installment, you can click here to give that a read. In this installment, I’ll take the neurological underpinnings of PRI’s methodology… Read more →

The Beauty of the Reverse-Band Back Squat, Part 2: The Rationale

Author’s note: This article is the second post in the series, “The Beauty of the Reverse-Band Back Squat.” You can find the series’ first installment here.   The reverse-band back squat might seem like a back squat with a hyphenated prefix, but it’s more than that. With the bands attached to the top of the squat rack and the barbell, the bands tighten… Read more →

Everything is Connected?: An Introduction to The Mind-Body Connection

You might be familiar with the advice to take a deep breath (or ten) when you’re feeling angry in order to help calm yourself down. Implicit in that advice is the belief that “the physical,” which, in this instance, is breathing, can affect “the mental.” Likewise, if you’ve ever felt nervous, such as before a public speaking engagement, an exam, or a… Read more →

Don’t Blame the Victim, Part 1: Compensatory Movement, Overuse Injuries and the Importance of Adequate Scapular Upward Rotation in the Overhead Athlete

Throwing a baseball isn’t necessarily difficult. Understanding the anatomy and biomechanics of throwing a baseball often is–take it from me. Despite my stellar little league baseball career (note: I’m only being a little sarcastic, since, at least by my own account,  I had a respectable little league career), my knowledge of what was actually happening anatomically and biomechanically when someone threw… Read more →

An Introduction to the Postural Restoration Institute, Part 1: The Neurological Nature of PRI

  If you’ve worked with, talked to, or read articles by me or Rob in the last few years, then you’ve inevitably heard us discuss or reference the Postural Restoration Institute.  While PRI has become quite popular in many circles within the physical therapy and strength and conditioning fields, there are still many practitioners and non-experts alike who have not heard of it or… Read more →

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